Do you have a PlayStation 4, but have yet to sign up for PlayStation Plus? If that fits your bill, then Sony has just revealed a deal that might be of interest to you.
From 1 – 12 February 2018, any non-PlayStation Plus gamer who signs up for a brand new 12-month subscription to Sony’s online service, will get a digital copy of Far Cry 4 (standard edition) for free. The game will apparently appear in your library within seven days of signing up.
A brand new 12-month subscription to PlayStation plus currently goes for R899. For those who may not know, a subscription includes the ability to play multiplayer games online using the PlayStation Network. It also includes 10 GB storage for online game saves, two PlayStation 4 games per month and exclusive discounts on games within the PlayStation Store.
Already have PlayStation Plus? Well, then you are out of luck. This deal only applies to brand new 12-month subscriptions. Personally, I feel that this is a bit of a slap in the face to loyal and paying customers. Frankly, if I decided to renew my membership for another 12-months, why should I not be eligible for a free copy of Far Cry 4? At the very least, offer something else to current customers for their loyalty.
For those of you who want the game, and do not want to subscribe to PlayStation Plus or are ineligible for this promotion, you can always get it for just under R400 at most major retailers.
The bundling of Far Cry 4 with new 12-month PlayStation Plus memberships is no doubt inspired by the release of Far Cry 5, which is due for release in March, 2018. Perhaps getting more people into the previous entry in the franchise will make them more inclined to dive into the newest instalment? Personally, I would rather Sony introduce something like Game Pass than offer games for only new sign-ups.
Owner, founder and editor-in-chief at Vamers, Hans has a vested interest in geek culture and the interactive entertainment industry. With a Masters degree in Communications and Ludology, he is well read and versed in matters relating to video games and communication media, among many other topics of interest.