This is a good time for Blizzard fans. The company’s trading card game (TCG) is getting a new expansion. This time, players must prepare to venture into Hearthstone The Witchwood!

The next expansion arrives on the 12 April 2018. It is a spooky one at best, and a horrifying one at worst. Apart from a new pair of play areas, it also brings a new deck type called “Even-and-Odd Cost” decks. Along with the announcement, Dean Ayala from the Hearthstone Hearthside Chat does his best to tell players all about it.

In the Hearthside Chat, Ayala goes through a few examples of new cards that will be added to Hearthstone The Witchwood. He also explains how these cards will fit into an Odd-and-Even deck. For one, we get to see two new legendary cards: Baku the Mooneater and Genn Greymane. Each card focuses on creating a deck with either oddly numbered costs, or even numbered costs. You see, by creating a deck with the needs of these legendary cards in mind will allow the monsters — Baku or Genn — to become stronger or cost much less (depending on the option you choose).

Other examples given are Black Cat, Gloom Stag, Murkspark Eel, and Glitter Moth. Each of which specialises in a different hero deck. I have not played Hearthstone in a good year or more, so I will not pretend to know what these cards will result in, but the folks over at Touch Arcade speculate that these cards will immediately throw the “meta” out of bounds. In particular, it seems that it might cause Shadow Combo Priests to still be left in the dust — which is very much a good thing in my opinion. With that said, we have not been shown what other cards this new system will include.

Whatever the case may be, eager Hearthstone The Witchwood fans can check it out some more when the Hearthstone folks stream it on Twitch from Monday 26 March, at 8 PM GMT +2.

Hearthstone The Witchwood is a scary place with scary things! In this particular case, an entire new deck type is being added to the game.

In that same vein, Activision Blizzard has also announced that players who complete daily quests, will get a card pack for each quest completed. From Monday 26 March, leading up to the release of The Witchwood expansion, players will be awarded a card pack every time. This “giveaway” of sorts will run until 9 April 2018, which amounts to about 45 total packs for diligent players.

Blizzard has also stated that all cards earned will come from content currently in rotation. This means players can get packs form either Journey to Un’GoroKnights of the Frozen ThroneKobolds and Catacombs, or even The Witchwood. If you do earn a pack for the upcoming expansion, it will not be accessible until the expansion releases on 12 April 2018.

[Sources: Gamespot, Play Hearthstone (official site)Touch Arcade, YouTube]

Hearthstone The Witchwood is a scary place with scary things! In this particular case, an entire new deck type is being added to the game.

Junior Editor at Vamers. From Superman to Ironman; Bill Rizer to Sam Fisher and everything in-between, Edward loves it all. He is a Bachelor of Arts student and English Major specialising in Language and Literature. He is an avid writer and casual social networker with a flare for all things tech related.