Wolfenstein II: The new Colossus was one of 2017’s best first person shooters. When I reviewed the game, I played it on Xbox One. The game was also out on PC, and PlayStation 4. Well, now I am happy to report that Wolfenstein II: The new Colossus will soon be available for Nintendo Switch!

Bethesda Softworks have revealed that the sequel to the 2014 smash hit reboot of the franchise, Wolfenstein: The New Order, will release on 29 June 2018 for Nintendo Switch. In it, players will once more step into the boots of American soldier and all-out-baddass B.J. Blazkowicz, where they will lead a group of “oddball freedom fighters” against the reborn Reich.

The game came out to stellar scores, won a bunch of awards including Best Action Game for the Game Awards 2017, and even received accolades at the 35th Annual Golden Joystick awards.

The Nintendo Switch version is being ported by Panic Button, with guidance from MachineGames. Bethesda revealed that it will not ship with the three recently added downloadable content — the reason being that the team at Panic Button first wants to focus on recreating the base game to its full extent.

The announcement trailer for the release date can be viewed at your discretion right here.

Now, with the news out of the way, I can continue to blurt out words that you are not obligated to read… it goes something like this: #ohmygodineedaswitchinmylifeplease!

It seems like Bethesda Softworks have made some kind of a secret pact to bring just about all of their triple-A titles to Nintendo’s super popular handheld console. First DOOM (2017) made the jump, and now news of Wolfenstein II has followed suit.

These two massive games, coupled with the likes of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, and Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Bayonetta 2, and even The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrimmake the Switch a formidable console to own.

Needless to say, I am excited to see whether the Nintendo Switch will finally get a proper entry in the Pokemon series (based off the original Pokemon Gameboy titles) this year. If it does, I will undoubtedly tear into my piggybank.

[Sources: IGN Africa, Polygon, Venture Beat]

Wolfenstein II: The new Colossus for Nintendo Switch is pushing the Switch ahead way further than I ever thought it would... #SUATMM

Junior Editor at Vamers. From Superman to Ironman; Bill Rizer to Sam Fisher and everything in-between, Edward loves it all. He is a Bachelor of Arts student and English Major specialising in Language and Literature. He is an avid writer and casual social networker with a flare for all things tech related.