For Honor is a brand new Intellectual Property (IP) from Ubisoft. First announced at the company’s E3 2015 press briefing, the game was finally shown on stage at E3 2016 with both a new cinematic trailer and some actual gameplay. A year later, and the game looks much better than I had anticipated it would.

In 2015, Ubisoft showed a quick demo that focused solely on the multi-player aspect of the game, which will undoubtedly be where the game will be strongest going into the future. What we gleamed from back then is that the game will be all about survival between three major factions: Vikings with their horned helmets and brutish axes, Knights with shiny armour and long bastard swords, and a clan of fearless Samurai.

This year we were given a little more detail on the single player campaign, including a gameplay walkthrough of one of the levels in the Viking campaign, which seems to be spurred on by a mysterious character named Apoleon.

The video showcases a fleet of Vikings setting shore next to, and invading, a Japanese Castle in the Myre, land of the Samurai. The fortress houses the Samurai, one of the three main factions within the game. One lone Viking makes it to the top of the castle, to which the narrator explains is all that is needed. This is where the player takes control of the Raider, the main Viking hero of the Viking campaign, and effectively carries on to kill countless Samurai. This is in order to get to the end of the floor where the Raider fights one of the main bosses of the Viking Campaign.

For Honor looks like a wonderful mix between Ryse: Son of Rome and Shadow of Mordor, as this new game seems to share similar visuals, fighting elements and positioning techniques as these two games. From what I have seen, For Honor is shaping up very nicely and is currently an amazing visual showcase.

For Honor is set for release on 14 February 2017, and will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Ubisoft showcased a little bit more on the single player campaign for For Honor at E3 2016 and it looks visually stunning and engaging.

Junior Editor at Vamers. From Superman to Ironman; Bill Rizer to Sam Fisher and everything in-between, Edward loves it all. He is a Bachelor of Arts student and English Major specialising in Language and Literature. He is an avid writer and casual social networker with a flare for all things tech related.