Vamers - Gaming - Xbox One and PlayStation 4 to appear at rAge 2013

In what is certainly some excellent news for South Africa gamers, both next generation consoles from Microsoft and Sony will be making an appearance at rAge from the 4th – 6th October 2013.

Vamers - Games - PlayStation 4 Console - ProperSterKinekor Entertainment, the distributors of PlayStation hardware and games in South Africa, confirmed in August that the Sony PlayStation 4 console will be “unveiled” at rAge 2013 – two months before the console officially goes on sale in South Africa.

However, there has been no confirmation if the PlayStation 4 console, controller or any of its next generation games will be playable at rAge, but these details will hopefully be confirmed in the next few weeks.

PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita games such as Gran Turismo 6, Beyond: two Souls and Killzone Mercenary will also be showcased during the expo.

Vamers - Gaming - Microsoft Xbox One Console, Controller and KinectNot to be outdone, Xbox South Africa confirmed today that its next-generation console, the Xbox One, will also be at rAge 2013.

Even better, Xbox South Africa has confirmed that attendees will be able to get actual hands-on time with the new Xbox One controller as well as exclusive Xbox One games such as Ryse: Son of Rome, Dead rising 3 and Forza Motorsport 5.

Xbox South Africa’s public relations coordinator, Graeme Selvan, had the following to say about the announcement:

“We will be sharing more information on our showcase at rAge 2013 over the coming weeks… This is just the start!”

rAge 2013 is only a month away. So in less than 30 days, South Africans will be exposed to the next-generation of video game consoles. These are most certainly exciting times.

What else do you think Sony and Microsoft will have in-store for rAge attendees this year?

The newest consoles from Sony and Microsoft will be at rAge 2013 for attendees to experience the next generation of video games.

Owner, founder and editor-in-chief at Vamers, Hans has a vested interest in geek culture and the interactive entertainment industry. With a Masters degree in Communications and Ludology, he is well read and versed in matters relating to video games and communication media, among many other topics of interest.