There are few games that are really difficult, and I mean really, really difficult. In fact, there are few games known for their challenging difficulty and even fewer that are meant to be that way, in the most natural sense. Battletoads, which originally came out in 1991, is one such game. Now Battletoads is coming back to Xbox One.

Microsoft confirmed that it will return during their annual E3 2018 Xbox briefing. The company confirmed that the game would release in 2019 with “body-morphing genre mashups, three-player couch co-op, 4K hand-drawn 2.5D graphics, and broad non-specific feature declarations”.

According to Microsoft, Dlala Studios is developing the title as an entirely new game. The company did not want to port the original game, which was developed by the now-Microsoft owned studio, Rare. As such, it will widely differ from the original game, while still keeping the core functionality of the game intact that veteran players have learned to love over the ages.

Besides a small nod to the notoriously difficult vehicle segment of the original title, no gameplay was shown. The trailer definitely promises what was said above. I wonder if it will also come to Windows 10

[Sources: Engadget, Gamespot, The Verge, YouTube]

During the Xbox E3 briefing, Microsoft teased a rather big surprise: Battletoads! The franchise returns to Xbox in 2019 and will be built from scratch.

Junior Editor at Vamers. From Superman to Ironman; Bill Rizer to Sam Fisher and everything in-between, Edward loves it all. He is a Bachelor of Arts student and English Major specialising in Language and Literature. He is an avid writer and casual social networker with a flare for all things tech related.