Every edible product in a supermarket has a label that details the ingredients and chemicals used to produce that specific item. More often than not, most people have no idea what some of the ingredients are and will agree that most sound rather unappetizing. This is especially true for ‘junk’ foods that contain ‘artificial’ chemicals for flavour and colour.
Healthy food marketers would like the public to believe that there is a vast difference between ‘natural chemicals’ and the synthetic variety that are manufactured in a laboratory.
An Australian Chemistry teacher by the name of James Kennedy hopes to change the aforementioned perception of synthetic compounds by demonstrating how the very same chemicals occur in nature.
To do so, Kennedy broke down and exhibited the chemical composition of a selection of fruits and natural food based products, such as chicken eggs. The results are nothing short of incredible and clearly showcase that nature evolves compounds, mechanisms and structures far more complicated and unpredictable than anything artificially produced in a food lab.
[Source: James Kennedy]
Owner, founder and editor-in-chief at Vamers, Hans has a vested interest in geek culture and the interactive entertainment industry. With a Masters degree in Communications and Ludology, he is well read and versed in matters relating to video games and communication media, among many other topics of interest.