When it comes to the paranormal, no one really has a clear, concise answer as to whether or not these things exist. We all have our own theories, but those also only go so far. This is why shows like Ghost Hunters are a regular source of entertainment.

Unsurprisingly, the world of the paranormal is not one that many people would choose to take part or adventure in – unless its in a video game, of course. As such, it is a fairly uncommon concept to admit that one is a paranormal investigator, and not get weird stares from across the room. Now, however, a new group of investigators is shining the light on the paranormal realm. Better yet, they are homegrown South Africans situated in the mother city of Cape Town.

The Cape Town Paranormal Investigations (CTPI) group was founded in 2014 by Marc Leitao. Together Leitao and his team take it upon themselves to investigate the calls of worried residents. It is their sworn duty to try and help those haunted by spirits from the other side… and they do it free of charge!

“We endeavour to use our team’s combined years of individual experience to privately investigate any claims of paranormal activity by using an array of cutting-edge equipment.”

CTPI uses a vast array of equipment and gadgets of all shapes and sizes. Many of the equipment has even been modified or built by CTPI themselves. This way, CTPI states that evidence can be examined in a logical, scientific manner. Their equipment includes laser grids, electromagnetic field detectors, a number of cameras capable of High Definition and High Dynamic Range recording and much more.

As one might expect, equipment of this nature is never cheap. Coupled with the fact that they perform investigations for free, it makes things a bit harder. This is why CTPI has started a crowd funding campaign on Thundafund. Thundafund being one of the leading crowdfunding initiatives led by South Africans, for South Africans.

With the crowdfunding initiative in place, CTPI aims to increase the size of their team and prowess of their gear and gadgets. The team receives numerous investigation requests on a monthly basis and simply cannot get to them all in an orderly and timely fashion. A bigger team with more equipment will automatically allow CTPI to conduct multiple investigations over a shorter timespan. With the funding, CTPI will also be able to purchase a brand new thermal imaging camera that will allow for more accurate investigations.

”We are ultimately based in the community, there to serve and help our clients find answers and sources to their paranormal experiences – free of charge… It is to the communities around us that we reach out to help us grow, and to be a part of the work that we do.”

As of today, the crowdfunding initiative has raised R600 towards the ultimate goal of R12,000. There are ten days left.

[Sources: CTPI (official site), Thundafund]

CTPI is a local group of investigators from Cape Town who need your help to keep up with the demand set upon them from investigating the paranormal.

Junior Editor at Vamers. From Superman to Ironman; Bill Rizer to Sam Fisher and everything in-between, Edward loves it all. He is a Bachelor of Arts student and English Major specialising in Language and Literature. He is an avid writer and casual social networker with a flare for all things tech related.