2K Sports and Visual ConceptsNBA 2K19 is just a week away from its worldwide 11 September 2018 launch. As such, 2K Sports have released the free MyNBA2K19 companion app for mobile devices.

The official companion app for NBA 2K19 integrates key aspects of the game into an easy-to-understand interface. The app will allow players to scan their faces into any iOS or Android device, offer daily opportunities to earn virtual currency for the game and even features a collectable card game. The app also features daily and weekly events, and a couple of app-specific changes from the console title.

According to 2K Sports, players will be able to put “themselves into NBA 2K19” on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 thanks to the face scanning. Face Scanning is not entirely new to gaming, however it undoubtedly remains a novel idea. I fondly remember “scanning” my face into Rainbow Six: Vegas back in the day, using a photo on my computer. It is not yet clear how this feature will port over to NBA 2K19 on the console. My worries here are that many budget devices will allow players to do the scan, but it is not made clear how the photos taken will translate into the game.

The MyNBA2K19 companion app lets users scan their faces to add into the game when it releases later this year. It also features 400 trading cards.

2K Sports also states that players can earn more than “400 new cards”, which are available for the 2018-2019 NBA season. Players will also be able to earn points and currency in a new mode called Reigning Threes. These points can be used in the Reigning Threes store every month. Its offerings are in the air, but I assume it includes more cards. As an added bonus, 2K also updated the Reigning Threes mode from previous companion apps, to now be a permanent feature.

Other features include a “2 On 2” mode for card battles between four total players. A fancy new profile screen that displays your top five player cards, a Quick Game mode and ability levelling with focus cards. 2K also says that Rivals Clash, Gauntlet event, King of the Court event, and the Key System will return from previous companion apps.

In a way, the MyNBA2K19 companion app is the perfect companion to the game. While it may not be as robust as the actual game, it certainly offers a lot for players who simply cannot be glued to the console night and day. The app can be downloaded for free from Apple’s AppStore or Google’s Play Store.

[Sources: Heavy, Just Push Start, NBA.2K (official site), Shadow League]

The MyNBA2K19 companion app lets users scan their faces to add into the game when it releases later this year. It also features 400 trading cards.

Junior Editor at Vamers. From Superman to Ironman; Bill Rizer to Sam Fisher and everything in-between, Edward loves it all. He is a Bachelor of Arts student and English Major specialising in Language and Literature. He is an avid writer and casual social networker with a flare for all things tech related.