In S02E04 Hans and Edward explore: coffee, candles and digital assistants in reviews and previews; tips everyone who plays Apex Legends needs to hear; a nostalgic trip down Pokemon memory lane; the incredible new Pokemon Arceus; the intelligence exhibited by cephalopods; how to turn real tears into bullets; the magic of Harry Potter inspired unicycles; how Harry’s Nimbus 2000 toy became one for adults; the fascinating world of Post Coital Depression; the kinds of foods that are best for sex, and so much more!




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GETL (Get-All) is a podcast about Gaming, Entertainment, Technology & Geek Lifestyle. Hosted by long term geek industry pundits Hans Haupt and Edward Swardt from, this podcast hopes to engage, awe, inspire and educate. Listen today on all major podcast providers and YouTube.
GETL Podcast

GETL (Get-All) is a podcast about Gaming, Entertainment, Technology & Geek Lifestyle. Hosted by long term geek industry pundits Hans Haupt and Edward Swardt from, this podcast hopes to engage, awe, inspire and educate. Listen today on all major podcast providers and YouTube.