‘Winners Wednesday’ was officially launched on 24 August 2011.
Winners Wednesday is our way of offering awesomely cool geek swag to our loyal fans as a thank you for helping us grow. Think of it as a random prize giving for simply being a part of our Vamers community.
Each Winners Wednesday will take place at random. The only way to find out if a normal hump day is, in fact, a Winners Wednesday will be by following our Twitter and Facebook page.
All Winners Wednesday giveaways are contained in this post, from newest to oldest.
Let the giveaway’s begin!
Winners Wednesday: 31 August 2011 (Closed)
To stand a chance of winning a single copy of Street Fighter IV Collectors Edition (with collectible figurines) for the Xbox 360, please do one of the following (a single winner will be picked at random from all entries):
1: Comment on this Winners Wednesday post by completing this sentence: “Street Fighter IV is…”
2: Follow our Twitter stream and ReTweet the Winners Wednesday message. One ReTweet per person. Multiple ReTweets are welcome, but they will not increase your chance of winning.
3: Like our Facebook fan page and comment on the relevant Winners Wednesday update.
Winners Wednesday Winner: Congratulations to @DieJason

Winners Wednesday: 24 August 2011 (Closed)
To kick off this inaugural Winners Wednesday we will be giving away three prizes:
1: To stand a chance of winning a collectors Star Wars Chewbacca plush, which makes Chewbacca sounds, simply comment on this post with your thoughts on Winners Wednesday.
2: To stand a chance of winning a MineCraft paper ‘post-it’ cube for your desk, follow our Twitter stream and ReTweet the Winners Wednesday message. One ReTweet per person. Multiple ReTweets are welcome, but they will not increase your chance of winning.
3: To stand a chance of winning a Gears of War metal COG Tag, like our Facebook fan page and comment on the relevant Winners Wednesday update.
That is it. Three ways to win three nifty and chic geek prizes. Are you ready to win? We sure hope so!
Congratulations to our first Winners Wednesday winners:
Richard MacKenzie – Winner of a Star Wars Chewbucca plush
Jarrod Lane – Winner of a pair of metal Gears of War COG tags
Ryan Williams – Winner of a stone block of Minecraft themed post-its.

Terms and conditions: Winners Wednesday competitions are time and date specific. Winners are chosen at random or as per the competition rules, such as, quickest answer first, among other various options. The person who provides the answer by following the competitions instructions properly will be declared the winner of the competition. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The winner will be announced the same day the competition closes and the prize will be sent to the winner upon receiving the winner’s delivery information. Winners Wednesday competitions are currently only open to residents of South Africa. Entrants under 18 years of age must seek permission from a parent or guardian before entering this competition. Prizes are varied, please refer to the applicable Twitter, Facebook or Vamers website for further Winners Wednesday prize information. There is no cash or prize alternative and the prize is non-transferable. Only one winner per competition. Entrants are free to enter as many of the competitions as they would like, however only one entry per person will be accepted in each competition. This competition is not open to staff (or members of their immediate families) who may be associated with the Vamers website.
Owner, founder and editor-in-chief at Vamers, Hans has a vested interest in geek culture and the interactive entertainment industry. With a Masters degree in Communications and Ludology, he is well read and versed in matters relating to video games and communication media, among many other topics of interest.