In September 2006, Tim King and NBC introduced the world to a group of normal people who discover that they have superhuman abilities in the television series ‘Heroes’.
The first season of Heroes was a smash-hit that gained an immediate following of loyal viewers, each of whom were engrossed by a story arc that focussed on the tagline “Save the cheerleader, save the world”. The series, which had an aesthetic style and method of storytelling similar to American comic books, made an immediate impact on viewers and became NBC’s highest rated show.
Tim Kring’s original vision for Heroes saw the show as an anthology series, whereby each season of the show was independent of the other and similar to the way in which Ryan Murphy and Brad Fulchuk’s American Horror Story currently operates. Unfortunately, due to the enormous success of the show and the popularity of the characters, NBC decided to continue the show through means of adopting a semi-procedural format. Sadly, the new format coupled with the writers strike of 2007 – 2008 meant that Tim Kring’s Heroes began to slowly fall apart.
As the series continued past its second season, Heroes began to fill with plot holes, annoying character flaws and terrible dialogue – all problems that were indicative of a show whose characters were only written to fill a single season. The masterpiece that was the first season was no where to be seen once the fourth, and worst, season of the series aired. Viewers quickly lost interest and the series was ultimately cancelled in 2010.
Now, four years later, NBC have announced that Heroes will once again be returning to television in the form of ‘Heroes: Reborn’ in 2015. No additional details have been released, other than the teaser video embedded below.
What do you think of the news? As a big fan of the original series, I sincerely hope that Tim Kring does the show justice once it returns next year as a “13-episode mini-series”.
Owner, founder and editor-in-chief at Vamers, Hans has a vested interest in geek culture and the interactive entertainment industry. With a Masters degree in Communications and Ludology, he is well read and versed in matters relating to video games and communication media, among many other topics of interest.