Have you seen My Spirit Animal: Kratos yet? If not, go and do that first. Then come back to this article. If you have, then you should already have an idea of the kind of Vamers Gifs that are about to unfold before your eyes.

Giphy link

Filmed in the style of a mockumentary, My Spirit Animal: Kratos takes a brief look into the life of Gary Hercule. A gamer who, upon playing the latest God of War game, realises that Kratos is his proverbial ‘spirit animal’. The short film stars yours truly, as well as #VCrewZA members Taygan and Andy.

We had a great time filming the short, and we did it purely for the fun of it. Hopefully that shows.

With that said, quite a few people really enjoyed our candid reactions. So with that new found knowledge, we set forth to turn our lovely and expressive mugs into gifs for the Internet to use and enjoy.

For when you see something disappointing:

Giphy link


For when you feel unstoppable:

Giphy Link

For when you see something that is “hot AF”:

Giphy link

For when you rethink your choices:

Giphy link

For when you have “seen things”:

Giphy link

For when things are not going your way:

Giphy link

For when you are in awe of what just happened:

Giphy link

For when the only answer is “no”:

Giphy link

For when shaking your head is not enough:

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We hope you enjoy these gifs and we are positive they will add some spice to your gif game!

Owner, founder and editor-in-chief at Vamers, Hans has a vested interest in geek culture and the interactive entertainment industry. With a Masters degree in Communications and Ludology, he is well read and versed in matters relating to video games and communication media, among many other topics of interest.