In S02E25, Hans and Edward explore: reviews of games and entertainment media to enjoy or avoid; how poor hearing may be an indicator of developing dementia in old age; useful Apex legends tips to help gamers be eve better predators; the #JHBTremor that should Boksburg; earthquake facts of the world; why National Orgasm Day should be a public holiday; how olympians continue to set sex records ; and so much more!




Some useful timestamps:

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GETL (Get-All) is a podcast about Gaming, Entertainment, Technology & Geek Lifestyle. Hosted by long term geek industry pundits Hans Haupt and Edward Swardt from, this podcast hopes to engage, awe, inspire and educate. Listen today on all major podcast providers and YouTube.
GETL Podcast

GETL (Get-All) is a podcast about Gaming, Entertainment, Technology & Geek Lifestyle. Hosted by long term geek industry pundits Hans Haupt and Edward Swardt from, this podcast hopes to engage, awe, inspire and educate. Listen today on all major podcast providers and YouTube.