On 8 March of every year, females around the world are celebrated for the beautiful beings that they are. On 9 August of every year, women in South Africa are celebrated once more for being beautiful saints who have to deal with the men in their lives almost every hour of every day. While the gap between these two days are extreme, there are other things women have to deal with that are just as extreme, if not more so: the Orgasm Gap. As everyone [should] know, International Orgasm Day falls on 8 August of every year, yet only 40% of women in heterosexual couples reach orgasm! In order to bring awareness to this sad affair, Pornhub decided to take things into their own hands with the #EndTheOrgasmGap movement.
Women are saints – this much is known. The least we could do to return the favour is to help them reach glorious euphoria as easily as men do. According to a 2016 study from the Archives of Sexual Behavior, men typically reach orgasm 95% of the time while only 65% of women reach orgasm. With the number dropping to 40% in heterosexual relationships. This is the reason why adult entertainment giant, Pornhub, took matters into their own hands during International Female Orgasm Day, and started a new movement in the most noticeable way possible: to interrupt porn videos right as things get interesting.
On the weekend of 8 August, Pornhub and creative agency Bar Ogilvy worked together to bring the masses watching porn a cool little Pubic Public Service Announcement. During the entire weekend, Pornhub interrupted their own videos most viewed by straight men at the 40% timestamp in order to highlight how 40% of women never orgasm during sex with their partners. The interruption was accompanied by a video providing more information on the Orgasm Gap and a link to EndTheOrgasmGap.com.

On the EndTheOrgasmGap website, Pornhub shared the same video above, along with a cool little guide allowing partners to bestow their sexual companions with a certificate of power! What is the power? Enabling sweet sexual relief, of course! If you are confident in your partner’s ability to reward you with an orgasm, you can reward them with a Pornhub Certified award.
Chances are very good that a few feathers were ruffled during the weekend. There is, after all, nothing worse than having your intimate alone time interrupted! At the end of the day, however, it was all in good fun and meant to bring some light to a very serious issue. Who knows, maybe the dreary number will rise significantly over the next year. One can hope, anyway.
Sources: Mashable, Quartz, WERSM
Junior Editor at Vamers. From Superman to Ironman; Bill Rizer to Sam Fisher and everything in-between, Edward loves it all. He is a Bachelor of Arts student and English Major specialising in Language and Literature. He is an avid writer and casual social networker with a flare for all things tech related.