Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is almost upon us. Before it drops, however, Activision wants to give it a test run to see how it will fare in the wild. As such, the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 multiplayer beta is ready to go and will start this week. Better still, there is even a new video (embedded below) that teases the game’s battle royale mode. It also details what players can expect from the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 multiplayer beta, and offers a brief glimpse at some of the gameplay that players will experience.
Simply put, the multiplayer beta experience includes ten playable specialists, each with their own unique abilities, skill sets, and loadouts; as well as six new multiplayer maps, and six separate game modes.
While the beta looks to offer a reasonably large taste of the game, the most interesting part of the reveal video comes in at the end. If you stay past the release date and keep watching the video, you will get around fifteen seconds of Blackout footage. This little teaser is the first official look at the new battle Royale mode, and it seems rather different.
Not only does the Blackout teaser show us a tiny bit of what players will look like, and what vehicles are featured in the mode, it also gives off a wholly distinct feeling compared to the rest of the video. While fifteen seconds is by no means enough to properly gauge the feeling and intent of a brand-new game mode, there is no denying that it was different – especially in the way the entire mood shifted from the usual montage to what can be described as a short tease for a scene from a movie.
Regardless of how different it seems, it is best to hold off on judging the mode until we get a few rounds in. The teaser reveals the Blackout beta will arrive in September. Not too long away! Before then, however, fans will have to be content with normal multiplayer.
With that in mind, fans do not even need to wait that long. As I alluded to, the Black Ops 4 multiplayer beta starts this week… but only for PlayStation 4 owners. The first phase launches at 8 PM CAT on Friday, 3 August 2018. Xbox One players will have to wait for the second phase of the beta. The second phase starts at 8 PM CAT, Friday, 10 August 2018; while PC fans will get access a day later on Saturday, 11 August. The second phase runs through to Monday, 13 August 2018.
So far, the only guaranteed way of gaining access to this beta is to pre-order the game. By pre-ordering, you receive a digital token that you must redeem on the official Call of Duty site. Thereafter you will be given a code for the beta.
Activision states that the only thing you need for the beta is a account, which most PC players will already have. Xbox One and PlayStation 4 owners just need to have their account tied to their Xbox Live or PlayStation Network accounts, and the code redeemed via the site.
A truly public beta might be made available in the future, however, Activision has kept tight-lipped about the possibility.
[Sources: IGN Africa, Polygon, VG247, YouTube]
Junior Editor at Vamers. From Superman to Ironman; Bill Rizer to Sam Fisher and everything in-between, Edward loves it all. He is a Bachelor of Arts student and English Major specialising in Language and Literature. He is an avid writer and casual social networker with a flare for all things tech related.