In 2009 a television program that focussed solely on video games launched on Vuzu, a South African DSTV channel. Called The Verge, it was hosted by Pippa Tshabalala, Mo, AKA and Lalla Hirayama; and was embraced by the local gaming community. The show ran for about three years before it glitched out in 2012.
When it first started, The Verge was sometimes a ‘hit or miss’. However, it was doing something that had never been done before in South Africa; and more so on a widely commercial scale. As such, The Verge was well ahead of its time, ended too soon, and would probably have thrived with today’s more social media adept gamers and the proliferation of online streaming. In fact, I know of many gamers who still fondly speak of The Verge and how they wish it would make a comeback. Well, with that in mind, MWEB Gamezone has announced exactly that with Glitched; a brand new show about video games.
“A show for gamers by gamers”
Glitched is described as a “spiritual successor to The Verge”. In fact, the new show is being spearheaded by Pippa Tshabalala; who is onboard as the main host of the show. This time, however, it is being catered for the online streaming generation of gamers, and will hopefully be far more interactive than The Verge ever was. I personally think that this is a great initiative by MWEB Gamezone, and I look forward to seeing what the first episode of Glitched brings to the digital table.
The debut episode of Glitched will go live at 20:30 (8:30pm South African Standard Time) on YouTube and Facebook Live. After the first episode, which is all about rAge 2017, there will be a hiatus of “a few weeks” before the show returns with weekly webisodes that will cover “reviews, previews, news, hands-on content and much more”.
[Sources: Mweb Gamezone, YouTube]
Owner, founder and editor-in-chief at Vamers, Hans has a vested interest in geek culture and the interactive entertainment industry. With a Masters degree in Communications and Ludology, he is well read and versed in matters relating to video games and communication media, among many other topics of interest.