The very first trailer for Captain America: Civil War (2016), the sequel to Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) and Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), has finally landed and boy does it look good.
The new trailer gives us our first look at one of the most pivotal plot points in the Marvel Comic stories, and thus the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The film takes place one year after the events in Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), and focusses on the way in which global politicians want to form a system of accountability, and a governing body, to determine when the Avengers should be called into action. Issues arise when Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) protects his friend Bucky Barnes (Sebastien Stan) from the impending litigation. This forms a conflict between Rogers, who wants to operate without regulation, and Tony Stark (Robert Downy Jr.), who supports government regulation.
Captain America: Civil War releases in cinemas from 27th of April, 2016.
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