Ahoy me mateys! The time has come for ye to don ye eye patch, find ye peg leg and get that blasted stuffed cockatoo from out of the attic. Rare and Microsoft’s brand new sea faring massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is here, and we have some Kraken-licious prizes to celebrate.

During our sea faring adventures in the Sea of Thieves alpha and beta periods, we came across a handsome key that led us on a path to Davey Jones’ Locker. It was there that we found some booty that even the smelliest of skellies could not hide from our plundering.

After we made sure that dead men tell no tales, we took it upon ourselves to redistribute our wealth by abiding to the Pirate law of ‘no prey, no pay’. Hence why today we present the opportunity for ye to avoid dancing the hempen jig by searching for clues and winning ye own share of our bountiful booty.

Up for grabs in the Win With Vamers Be More Pirate competition:

  • One (1) main prize (valued at R1850) consisting of:
    • one (1) Sea of Thieves download game token for Xbox One/PC,
    • one (1) pirate chest,
    • one (1) pirate flag,
    • one (1) pirate journal,
    • one (1) 6″ (16 cm) pirate scope,
    • one (1) pirate compass,
    • one (1) pirate treasure map,
    • and a minimum of ten (10) metal pirate doubloons.
  • Two (2) runner-up prizes (valued at R450) consisting of:
    • one (1) pirate treasure map,
    • one (1) pirate compass,
    • and a minimum of ten (10) metal pirate doubloons.  

Now that ye know what ye can win, make sure to scroll down to find ye sea legs so that ye can heave and ho to victory!

To celebrate the release of Sea of Thieves, we be givin ye a chance to win the game alongside some devilishly good pirate gear!


To enter this competition, please do the following:

Dust off ye old looking glass and have it at the ready. With focus and a clear mind, look very carefully at the image above. Hidden in that image are a series of Vamers logos. Can ye find them all?

Step 1: Once ye have the answers, simply fill in the form below. Make sure to include where ye found the logos (e.g.: 1. Compass, 2. Hat, 3…).

Step 2: That’s it. Nice and easy, and jolly good fun!

Bonus entry: Share this post on Twitter or Facebook, but make sure to include the #WinWithVamers hashtag so we can track it ?

Hint: There are more than five (5), but less than twenty (20). Good luck!

Just for fun: Can ye find our devilishly hidden silver mascot? The one who enjoys both wine and a pint of good grog? ?


The Win With Vamers Sea of Thieves Be More Pirate competition closes on Monday the 16th of April 2018 at 17:00. So please make sure to get your entries in before then.

Disclaimer: this competition is not sponsored. Yes, we put this together ourselves. Ye be welcome!

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The Win With Vamers Sea of Thieves Be More Pirate competition closes at 17:00 on Monday the 16th of April 2017. The person who provides the best submission, as judged by the Vamers staff, and who follows the competition instructions properly will be declared the winner of this competition. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The winner will be announced at Vamers discretion after the competition closes. Vamers will endeavour to deliver the prize within 2-8 weeks as described, however, cannot accept responsibility if the prize differs from advertisement in presentation or value. This competition is only open to residents of South Africa. Entrants under 18 years of age must seek permission from a parent or guardian before entering this competition. Entrants must be over 16 years of age or have parental consent to enter this competition. The main prize consists of: one (1) Sea of Thieves download game token for Xbox One, one (1) pirate chest, one (1) pirate flag, one (1), pirate journal, one (1) 6″ pirate scope, one (1) pirate compass, one (1) pirate treasure map, and a minimum of ten (10) pirate doubloons. The runner-up prizes consist of: one (1) pirate treasure map, one (1) pirate compass and a minimum of ten (10) pirate doubloons.  There is no cash or prize alternative and all prizes are non-transferable. Only one grand prize winner per competition unless otherwise specified. Entrants are free to enter as many of the other competitions as they would like, however only one entry per person will be accepted in each competition. Winners use and accept prizes at their own risk. Vamers and the prize sponsors, if any, cannot be held responsible for any injury, accident or loss of property as a result of accepting and/or using the prize. Winners who do not claim the respective prize winnings within 7-days of being declared a winner will forfeit the prize to Vamers. By entering this competition, entrants acknowledge that Vamers has the right to disclose any and all submitted information, whether personal in nature or not, for publication on radio, television, printed media, social media and other Internet publications. Entrance into this competition includes automatic subscription to the Vamers Store Newsletter. Vamers and the prize sponsors, if any, reserve the right to cancel the competition at any time and shall not be liable to entrants for any action whatsoever. Vamers reserves the right to alter competition rules or prizes at their own discretion. Alterations become effective immediately and entrants shall not have recourse against Vamers or the prize sponsors. This competition is not open to staff (or members of their immediate families) who may be associated with the Vamers website or prize sponsors.

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To celebrate the release of Sea of Thieves, we be givin ye a chance to win the game alongside some devilishly good pirate gear!

Owner, founder and editor-in-chief at Vamers, Hans has a vested interest in geek culture and the interactive entertainment industry. With a Masters degree in Communications and Ludology, he is well read and versed in matters relating to video games and communication media, among many other topics of interest.